Martin Biallas, SEE Global Entertainment

Martin Biallas, SEE Global Entertainment


  1. Good Day Sir Martin,
    I’m one of the Michael Angelo’s Sistine Chapel Exhibition enthusiast. Just want to share my painful experienced.

    I hope in the future you can improve the rules & regulations. (can you please make the instructions clear the do’s & don’t s)

    I was approached by the guard & telling me …taking Videos is prohibited… I told him I was not taking videos… Im listening with the audio sound… It happened I didn’t detached my cell phone to my selfie stick tripod cause it’s easier for me to take pictures. 2nd time around I was approached by a lady asking me if where i came from?
    I told her I’m from The Philippines. She told me she saw me taking videos. She told me it’s ok to take videos but she saw me a deliberately long videos cause she’s concerned of possible copyright violation. …I told her the same as I told the guard (i’m listening to the audio ) & I am not a professional photographer …i love & appreciate art & I am also a painter & if I took some photos that’s for my references.

    I always attached my GoPro to my tripod too…for back up incase I ran out of batteries (To someone I look like a professional videographer) I usually enjoy a lot in looking at the brush stroke of each painting which require a lot of time. I do that in other exhibit or show as well.

    WoW…. I’ve waited for Sistine Chapel Exhibition for so long… I booked VIP Ticket in Advance ( May 2023 ) & very excited to attend and will help to promote … But I will never forget this experience. I already attend many museums and inquire them regarding the rules of the museums but never encountered any problems like this plus all museums I attended are all accomodating which I didn’t expect from them.

    To all this happenings I’m totally disappointed. I thought if I booked VIP I will get some privilege. (But I’m not expecting any VIP Privilege/Treatment I’m just happy & excited to attend … that’s all but not this kind of experienced.

    I saw others taking photos & videos too …
    all are free to do what they are supposed to do. I thought it would be once in a lifetime experience.. Oh it become once in a lifetime traumatic experience. It becomes the post traumatic stress disorder. I bought a lot of nice souvenirs but every time I see those souvenirs … It recall the sad incident.

    I hope in the future this experience will not be repeated by other art enthusiasts.

    Thanks Very Much for bringing The Michael Angelo Sistine Chapel Exhibition To The Philippines.
